365 days

>> Monday, January 04, 2010

So...Happy New Year to all!! We're 4 days in and I'm really looking forward to 2010 and all it has in store. I am excited be starting out the year in a quest to get to know my Creator even more...so I've decided to start reading through the Conflict of the Ages. If you haven't heard, these are some amazing books that start right along with Genesis and lead you all the way to the 2nd coming of Jesus. They are perfect to read right along with the Bible. I want to encourage any of you that are doing the same to keep it up!! Though we may get discouraged, and time may slip by, keep it up. Not just to say you read through a book, but for all the closer you will be to Jesus by the time you are done!

Here is the link if you want to join....it's not too late!! It's just one chapter a day. Couldn't be any more simple!

This blog is going to serve a purpose for me:

1. It is my accountability partner. Look for my posts. Ask me why they are not there if you don't see recent updates!!

2. It will be a way for me to express what I have gained from my reading. Feel free to share your comments as well!!

and 3. To encourage others to do the same. Or to do whatever God has called you to do to further your relationship with Him!!

Tomorrow I'll post a short summary of the 1st 5 chapters, and from then on, daily post my thoughts about each chapter.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13


kaiandkristi January 7, 2010 at 7:24 PM  

Good job! I have a similar New Year's Resolution. Love the picture too!

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